What Qualifies as Broadway Theater?
A retired military service member, Jennifer Grieves piloted planes for the United States Marines for nearly two decades. She ultimately rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. Among her other diverse interests, Jennifer Grieves is an avid fan of Broadway theater.
In its strictest sense, the term “Broadway” applies only to larger theaters in Manhattan’s famed Broadway district. Over time, however, the “Broadway” distinction has become more about size and less about location.
Today’s New York City theater community generally considers theaters with 500 seats or more to be Broadway theaters. By contrast, theaters with 99 to 499 seats are “off-Broadway” theaters. Other factors, including production contract details, can also differentiate a Broadway performance from one that is off-Broadway.
Beyond any geographical and size restrictions, “Broadway” has also come to denote a particular style of theatrical production that exemplifies those that have traditionally graced the stages of the Broadway district. Such productions are typically commercially viable and suitable for large venues.